We are here to help make your vacation as easy as possible! That being said the process of ordering our services is easy too.

1. Once you determine which package you would like, click on the corresponding package button.
2. Enter the requested information, please don't forget to include where you'll be staying and the name of your rental management company!
3. Be sure to read and check that you have read our Terms of Service (this is required to move forward). Also, make sure to click that you'll accept emails and SMS messages from us otherwise we can't send your welcome email!
4. Once you hit submit you'll be taken to our payment page. At this point you will enter your credit card information. Don't worry your information is secure as our site is PCI compliant.
5. Upon receiving your order you will receive a welcome email and you get to learn who your Beach Mom will be during your trip. This will include a grocery list, a credit card authorization form, excursion list and personal chef menus. The credit card authorization form is required so that we may purchase your grocery items and pay for excursions, etc. 
6. For all packages we require at least one drivers license to be uploaded so that we can verify credit card ownership. If you haven't uploaded at least one license, don't worry we will remind you!
7. Once we receive your lists we will get to work on making your vacation the easiest and most relaxed it's ever been!
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